Empire by Design: The Private Coaching Experience

Design, launch, and grow your expertise-based online business legacy on purpose.


For the coaches & creators.

This high-touch private coaching container has been designed for the aspiring coaches, consultants and course creators to make bank, summon raving fans and leave a f*cking legacy - even if you have no idea what you want to do yet.

Think: The full A-Z roadmap to build the unshakeable foundations of your six-figure online business, launch it into the world, and land your first paying clients.

Backed by the private coaching, purpose-led strategies and CEO cheat codes for designing a freedom-fuelled business and ruling on your own terms.


What’s that? The view from your rung on the corporate ladder ain’t quite aligned with your life vision? Been there, Badass.

I see you, and I know that you’re tired of playing someone else’s game with nothing but meeting agendas and paid leave requests to show for it.

Plenty of smart, talented, high-achievers (like yourself) find themselves stuck with no idea how to turn their existing knowledge and passion – what’s actually meaningful to them – into a purpose-led legacy that makes coin while making an impact in other people’s lives.


I’m here to tell you that you can take all of that ambition and turn it into an empire of your design – complete with the followers, robust profits, and a fully-remote lifestyle.

How? Through the power of online coaching, consulting and/or course creation.

I’m proof that once you hone your vision, create a strategic plan and conquer your niche, you too can enjoy the fruits of a successful six or seven-figure business while living your purpose every step of the way. Grape, anyone?

Say HEAR HEAR if you’re sick of oursourcing your power to…

🙄 A**hole bosses

Literally. When they’re not busy telling you what to do, they’re crushing your hopes, dreams, and any ambitions you had to become a boss (in case you turn out just like them!).

😵 Career Dissatisfaction

No one ever really signed up for 40 hour weeks at weirdly specific hours in air-conditioned cubicles. You know you could be spending your precious time and energy building your own thing, your way.

😬 Arbitrary rules of the game

Salary caps, working hours, lifestyle. We’ve been fed a very specific idea of what success looks like, and what’s possible for us. The truth is, it’s a lie.

💔 Someone else's dream

You always imagined yourself doing something big, something impactful, y’know, something bigger than you. Not spending the best part of your waking hours working hard to make someone else’s dreams come true.

Find yourself able to relate? (Nodding)
Ready to get the money by doing what fulfils you, instead? (Nodding intensifies)

What if you built your own damn empire?

Dreaming of a successful online business where..
  •  You lead with purpose, not obligation
  • You earn money on your own terms
  • Your work matters and aligns with your values
  • You run the whole damn thing remotely from anywhere, anytime you like (flexibility and freedom are yours for the taking)
  • You create a real impact in your industry and your community
  • You thrive, which boosts your mental health, and causes a ripple effect on those around you
  • No one gets to tell you what you can and can’t work on. You wear the crown (literally and figuratively)
Calling all future coaches, consultants, course designers and content creators. Your expertise-based empire awaits.

I’m Rosie, and I’m here to cut through the bullsh*t.

From one Digital CEO to another, I’m here to tell you that leading a life with purpose freaking rules.

Before entering my empire era, I spent a few years grinding online, building my YouTube side hustle on top of a very busy corporate job, attracting 180,000 subscribers and $100k in brand deals at its peak. While it was ridiculously fun, and the extra cash allowed me to travel more often while paying off my student loans at record speed, it wasn’t my true purpose, y’know?

Once I figured out how to find and leverage the power of purpose, personal branding and marketing psychology, I grew my own values-aligned career coaching business (shout out to @badasscareers!) to unimaginable heights, earning a seven-figure annual revenue in less than three years – without paid ads.

Building Badass Careers has taught me what it takes to create and grow a successful business grounded in contribution, impact, and having way-too-much-fun to call it “work”.

Now, I’ve founded Badass Empires to empower others to do the same – to rebel against the 9 to 5 norm if that's their calling, conquer their niche and command a captivated crowd in the process.
I’ve invested over $150k to date into my own coaching abilities and am now channeling them to help you build your dream business that gives you the flexibility, freedom, and financial abundance they told you wasn’t possible for you.

Today, I live between New Zealand and France with my French hubby, lead a talented team, and am deep in the process of creating generational wealth for my family.

Whether you are looking to make an extra $5k per month or scale to half a million dollars revenue in the next two years, I’ve been there, done that. I’ve learned the hard lessons and know what to focus on at each and every step of the way.

Together we’ll magnify what’s meaningful to you, amplify your potential and design an online business, built on purpose.

Ready to rule? Grab your crown, Badass.


Let’s build you a legacy.

Empires By Design is a high-touch private coaching program for professional high achievers turned aspiring entrepreneurs or side-hustlers. It’s for those goal-getting humans who want to design their online service-led business on purpose – and the roadmap to help them save countless hours and energy building their empire.

It’s a whole damn business vision, strategic roadmap, and launch plan shaped around your purpose; what’s actually meaningful to you and what makes YOU magic.


Income, flexibility, remote working – you define your success. Together, we’ll co-create the vision and reverse engineer the goals to get you on track to making your first $100k online (and beyond).


Just like any royal gown, it’s tailored and custom-made to fit.


You’ll gain the blueprint for building a legacy on your own terms, supported by focused – and f*cking empowering – coaching calls, training modules, voice-note support and cheat sheets. Freedom business, here we come. 

What purpose-fuelled empires are made of.

The following pillars will help form the foundations of your legacy:

What does your legacy look like and how would you like to rule? We’ll begin by shaping your rock-solid life and business vision, exploring what’s important to you. Together we’ll identify your niche and distil your unique idea or offering so that your business makes your intended impact.


We’ll develop an empathy-first content offering that inspires your target audience. There’s a BIG difference between having followers and having thousands of potential clients who are ready to invest. Let me show you how to attract your people into your world. Once we learn more about what matters to your dream clients, we can design a client experience around what matters to them too.


Crown, sceptre, throne; all that’s left is to roll out the red carpet. From launch to leadership, we’ll help you plot a strategic roadmap backed by a sustainable business model for the next 6-12 months of your business so you can start making bank and a monumental impact to boot. Profit is a wonderful side effect of alignment and purpose.

To some, success means making seven-figures and leading a team, for others it means making 60K and working from a tropical island 9 months of the year. Let’s bring to life YOUR definition of success.

Made to rule - and make noise.

Here’s a taster of how we’ll find your thing, build your brand, and start getting those clients flowing in:

Smash glass ceilings. Make it rain coins.

I’ve tested, failed, and tweaked so you can adapt in three months what took me years to learn.

Empire by Design is all about empowering today's online coaches, consultants, and content creators to do the damn thing and start monetising their genius online.

Equipped with your very own strategic roadmap, purpose-led business vision, and a cheer squad celebrating the absolute sh*t out of you, your empire is officially ready for the taking.

If you know in your soul that you would love to be a world-leading coach, online educator, or service-based entrepreneur, it’s time to claim your title of digital CEO.

So polish up that crown, we’re about to supercharge your coronation!


So, what’s the investment for a six-figure, expertise-based empire anchored in purpose?

This will be the best, most regal investment you ever make in your business. Why? It’s the founding capital that actually kick-starts your multiple-figure business journey, minus the self-doubt, wasted time, and confusion.

This is the most hands-on, supportive, and personalised access available to me and my 7-figure business mind. You will be held, seen, challenged, and stretched in the best way possible.

Empire Elite: 6 months private coaching

Pays for itself with your first 4-5 paid clients.
  • 6 months of private, 1:1 coaching with Rosie
  • 12x 60 minute calls, recorded for you to keep for life
  • Unlimited text and voice note support between sessions
  • Customised workbooks, missions and work sprints to complete between calls
  • The keys to the Empire by Design 100K business foundations roadmap and the skills for life to keep scaling your online business revenue
  • The space to go deep on content creation, audience growth strategies, and personal branding
  • A thorough launch support system, including guidance through the design and build of your launch assets, masterclasses, and performance analytics
  • An opportunity to design advanced, sophisticated, evergreen long-term sales strategies
  • Deeper inner work on your mindset and confidence
  • Time to collect feedback from your clients, then tweak and enhance your messaging for ongoing success


  • Lifetime access to our Million Dollar Youtube Channel online course
  • Lifetime access to the training modules of our online course launching in mid-2024 (supported by group coaching only)
  • A guest interview spot on my podcast so you can promote your biz

$7997 USD [Pay in full]

5x $1697 USD [Pay monthly]

As a heads up, I accept just 1-2 new private coaching clients per month to ensure I can stay 100% focused on your business dreams and goals, so there may be a delay in your start date even if accepted.

In full transparency, prices will soon be increasing as even more success stories start rolling through, so if you want to secure these founding student prices, I encourage you to apply today.

Overheard from Empire Builders


“It ALL happened in just a few months. Rosie took me from the dreaming phase, to the having an online business phase - and you can’t put a price on that. When I see how much I was able to achieve in just a few months, I would definitely invest again."

- Kristyna, Czech Republic 

“Working with Rosie has been truly life changing. I went from being lost, clueless, and hopeless, to actually chasing this crazy dream - and feeling like I can actually do it. I feel SO much more confident. If you’re on the fence, 1000% DO IT.”

- Emily, USA 

Not sure if you’re ‘Empire Material’?

I'm living proof you don't have to have influencer vibes or be an extroverted queen to succeed in the online space.

I’m a crazy-cat-lady-level introvert and had a million mindset blockers to work through to get to where I am today.


Oh, and I NEVER saw myself as an entrepreneur - I was deadset on corporate until just 5 years ago.

Between managing my ADHD, anxiety, and initial lack of confidence, I am proof that you don’t have to be #goals to get started.


Empires By Design is here to help you design a life and a $100K+ business that inspires you, fuelled by your purpose and what’s meaningful to you, EVEN IF: 

  • You have no idea what you want to do and certainly don’t think of yourself as an expert in anything

  • You are scared to show up online and don’t feel confident showing your face (for now)

  • You’ve never thought of yourself as an “entrepreneur”

  • You’ve never made large amounts of money before, even in your day job

  • You are a technophobe and already can’t keep up with the Threads, the Tiks and the Toks

If you are obsessed with growth and personal development, crave purpose, and want to commit to learning about yourself so that you can best serve other people - your people - and connect with them authentically online, then you already have the building blocks of your empire.


The programme is designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs, recovering corporate overachievers and side hustlers build an online service-based gig that becomes a goddamn legacy.


In six months we’ll refine your purpose-led business offering with a roadmap to help you rule on your own terms. You're about to be f*cking unstoppable.


Still unsure about taking the mantle?

Let’s talk, I promise to be direct, via DM @badassempires_

Empire designers who are shaking sh*t up.

 "I never would have imagined that a former IT Operations Consultant could become a Personal Finance Coach! Now, I am fully independent. It's one of the best investments I've made in my life."
 "It really makes you feel like you can accomplish any dream you want. I appreciate that Rosie is hyper-personalised - the more she gets to know you, the more she can recognise untapped potential inside you"

Who profits most from Empire By Design?

High achievers and goal getters.

Freedom, flexibility and financial stability are all within your reach, but you’ve invested your time in someone else’s empire. You have a track record of success, but know you’re made for bigger, better things. You want more. Empire By Design is here to support you in distilling your unique offering with a strategic business vision and roadmap for launch; so you can go forth and make it happen, like you always do.

Side hustlers & future corporate escapees.

Your time (and your money) is precious. You need a sustainable roadmap for building your business, while maintaining your day job. Empires By Design will help you shape a business strategy around your values and lifestyle, so you can spend less time stressing over platforms, content creation and SOPs, and more time making your side dish your nine-course degustation menu.

Side hustlers & future corporate escapees.

Your time (and your money) is precious. You need a sustainable roadmap for building your business, while maintaining your day job. Empires By Design will help you shape a business strategy around your values and lifestyle, so you can spend less time stressing over platforms, content creation and SOPs, and more time making your side dish your nine-course degustation menu.

Aspiring entrepreneurs.

You know you’re more naturally aligned with the entrepreneur lifestyle vs. the corporate world, but aren’t sure where to focus your time or your money. Empires By Design helps you direct that ambition, so you have clarity around your purpose, vision and unique offering, with a roadmap to run it, sell it and make a profit.

If you want to save yourself years of trial and error (let’s be real, lots of error) and get it right the first time, this investment will be your first big step towards “destination: dream life”.

Welcome to the high court of high achievers.

You’re in excellent company.

Got Qs? I got As.

Never commuting again. Working in your PJs. Travelling the world as a digital nomad. Empires come in all shapes and sizes, I’m here to help you get yours.

Say yes to a different future.

Empire Elite: 6 months private coaching

Pays for itself with your first 4-5 paid clients.
  • 6 months of private, 1:1 coaching with Rosie
  • 12x 60 minute calls, recorded for you to keep for life
  • Unlimited text and voice note support between sessions
  • Customised workbooks, missions and work sprints to complete between calls
  • The keys to the Empire by Design 100K business foundations roadmap and the skills for life to keep scaling your online business revenue
  • The space to go deep on content creation, audience growth strategies, and personal branding
  • A thorough launch support system, including guidance through the design and build of your launch assets, masterclasses, and performance analytics
  • An opportunity to design advanced, sophisticated, evergreen long-term sales strategies
  • Deeper inner work on your mindset and confidence
  • Time to collect feedback from your clients, then tweak and enhance your messaging for ongoing success


  • Lifetime access to our Million Dollar Youtube Channel online course
  • Lifetime access to the training modules of our online course launching in mid-2024 (supported by group coaching only)
  • A guest interview spot on my podcast so you can promote your biz

$7997 USD [Pay in full]

5x $1697 USD [Pay monthly]

 "Rosie cared, and she cared to make it all work and see the vision through. I'm going to change the world!"


Grab that crown, Badass.

Your empire awaits.